Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Please follow, subscribe and comment

My Dear Blog Readers

Thanks for reading my blog! Thanks to Google Analytics, I can see you are spread around the world. I see representation from North and South America, Europe and Asia. It reinforces the idea that Trade Compliance is truly global. I am looking forward to readers from Africa and Australia soon. Did I miss out out on any other continents?

I know you are all busy. To help me know who you are and write about the things you care please take a moment to do the following:
1) Add yourself as a follower, it takes 2 minutes to create a blogger. Who knows you may want to write your own blog soon :)
2) Subscribe to one of the feeds. If you use the 'Add to Google' feed you can use Google reader to read updates on my and other blogs from there.

3) Send me your comments on what you want me to write about. Each post has a pencil icon under it for you to add your comments. You many need a blogger id to add comments.
I have many ideas in my head which you may not want to read about. Your comments are important to me.


